Capitalism abhors competition because competition reduces profit.
Capitalism seeks profit to pay investors.
But investors are people too, and they need things besides tokens - like sandwiches and beer.
So we could start a business that shapes investments differently - where the purpose of ownership is solely to receive a % of the product itself as your payment for risk.
And when surplus is sold to outsiders, some % of that will be treated as an investment from that payer - so every user gains co-ownership in the sources of all that they pay to use.
When owning for product, the 'core' of the organization reaches semi-stasis and operates at-cost, while latecomers at the 'edges' pay Profit when buying surplus, causing them to gain the property co-ownership which finally eliminates their need to buy Product late, since the (co-)Owner of Sources is the (co-)Owner of the Product (in the same %) even before it is produced!
The owner of a milk-cow must pay all the Costs of Production, including any Wages for Work he does not do himself, but does not BUY the milk back from himself, but owns it *already*, even before it comes out of the cow.
The same logic, when be applied to co-ownership, eliminates the need to buy and sell Products except when the Consumer does not yet have sufficient ownership in Sources needed to insure he owns that Product now and into the future.
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